DPS Sector - 84

Facts And Explanation Of Cyber Bullying

A Brief Explanation of cyber bullying:
Cyber bullying is a vulnerable crime that profits in the the time of uncertainty. It is effecting the young minds of today by sending sensitive messages, text, videos and images etc. Cyber bullying can effect a person psychologically, mentally and emotionally. Cyber bullying can either be done by a person, hacker, socialist or a group of people for the purpose of earning reputation, financial benefit, mental benefit and community benefit. This crime is also known as the 'modern crime' of today, and is increasing enormously with astounding grace of profit. A person who is facing this kind of bullying can go in depression, lose interest in society and in the world, feel exposed negatively in front of the world with the feeling of humiliation, illness and unsafe. Children who go through this kind of thing can also feel powerless and inferior. Not only this, but cyber bullying can put suicidal thoughts in an average person's life. Facing cyber bullying can also make a person feel lonely and in a sense of isolation. Cyber bulling can also lead to violence and revengeful thoughts in a persons' mind.
  1. About 37% of young people between the ages of 12 and 17 have been bullied online. 30% have had it happen more than once.
  2. 95% of teens in the U.S. are online, and the vast majority access the internet on their mobile device, making it the most common medium for cyber bullying.
  3. 23% of students reported that they’ve said or done something mean or cruel to another person online. 27% reported that they’ve experienced the same from someone else.
  4. Girls are more likely than boys to be both victims and perpetrators of cyber bullying. 15% of teen girls have been the target of at least four different kinds of abusive online behaviors, compared with 6% of boys.
  5. About half of LGBTQ+ students experience online harassment -- a rate higher than average.
  6. Instagram is the social media site where most young people report experiencing cyber bullying, with 42% of those surveyed experiencing harassment on the platform.
  7. Young people who experience cyber bullying are at a greater risk than those who don’t for both self-harm and suicidal behaviors.
  8. 83% of young people believe social media companies should be doing more to tackle cyber bullying on their platforms.
  9. 60% of young people have witnessed online bullying. Most do not intervene.
  10. Only 1 in 10 teen victims will inform a parent or trusted adult of their abuse.
  11. 4 out of 5 students (81%) say they would be more likely to intervene in instances of cyber bullying if they could do it anonymously.

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