DPS Sector - 84

Side effects of gaming


What are the negative effects of video games?
Video games can negatively affect the brain, memory, and vision. They can cause stress, anxiety, and even isolation if the addiction gets severe enough. Video games can even kill brain cells and interrupt a person's sleep. If a person gets addicted to games then he can also lose his physical strength, also disintegrating his relationships with people and losing the skill of socializing.
Games can also lead a person towards violence, sex and drugs by changing his mind in thinking that these things are cool. A person can lose his/her purpose of life for which he is living, causing suicides, murders and other creepy behaviors. Games also effect a person financially by demanding him for money for buying costumes, skins and guns etc in the game. Playing too many games can also lead to depression. Sitting in one place for gaming and not using any of your muscles and bones for doing anything can make your body weak. I am not trying to say that don't play games, but, play them in a limited amount for about 1 hour on working days and for 2 - 3 hours on weekends with your friends and family. Image result for gaming family
Be safe, be secure. And comment down below for your opinions to gaming.         

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