DPS Sector - 84

My Points Of Views To Cyberism [Profit, Use and destruction]

Technology's role in our day - to - day life

"The science of today is the technology of tomorrow". As per my belief, I think that today's technology is helping us in every way possible. From transport to the smallest USB in the world, we are all some way or another connected to technology. It improves us, helps us, modifies us, designs us and what not. The technology of today has proved to us that reaching the universe is not the limit, it still keeps building itself as by the AI [artificial intelligence] program of today. As imagined by me and hopefully you, we cannot live or even survive without the technology of today as it is the thing which is spoon feeding us in every serviceable way. Even the keypad phones that we used in our earlier lives have now been transformed into the monstrous and stupendously user friendly smart phones. So, we can say that this is the age of rapid change and revolution.

Profits from cyberism

As told by me, technology is somehow related to us by one way or another and we cannot live without it. It profits us by helping everyone financially, mentally, knowingly, emotionally,commercially, socially, practically, physically, productively and glaringly. The evolution of the bulb is the reason why we can create and use light today, The evolution of television, smartphones, computers s the reason why we can come in contact and socialize with people today, The evolution of airplanes is the reason why we can travel instantly to every place in the world today, The evolution of 3d printers will one day revolutionize the world in a similar way one day by creating and producing things at the moment in physical reality. For more information about the profits from machines visit this website and refer to the poem "The secret of the machines" by 'Rudyard Kipling'.

Destruction by cyberism

technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master. As believed by Einstein, technology will one day cut all the roots of social contact physically in between people and we can surely say that it has come true, people only interact through social media websites, apps and programs created with the aid of AI and Machine Learning. Sending videos, photos and waiting for a like is not the way we should do it. Even dates and relationships are also fixed through these softwares nowadays. Addiction is also a very intense topic related to technology, getting addicted to games, you tube videos and other drugs on the internet relating to sexual content has become one of the main reasons of suicides and other violence crimes today. Cyberism cannot also always guarantee about privacy concerns, decreasing the complexity of settings and other controls. Over reliance on these gadgets is also the cause of some physical changes in the human body such as vision blindness. Another disadvantage of cyberism is that although it keeps changing for betterment, people still complain that understanding the new features, settings and controls is difficult for them, which is right and should be worked upon. Cyberism can also cause astounding destruction in nature by radioactive waves which effect the biological cycle and ecosystem of plants and animals. People should understand that only being reliable on technology for everything can never help. They should look forward to physicality rather than always software in every case possible and not harm nature in any way by technology because she is our ultimate mother.

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