DPS Sector - 84


Image result for human 2100"Democracy, like the human organism, carries within it the seed of its own destruction"
 'C.V Wedgwood'

Image result for judgementPresenting my belief upon humans that they are their own destruction I think that we are the beings of rapid change or revolution. This change is why we are all here, sitting, and reading my blog. Scientists have stumbled upon a very important topic that humans destroy nature by creating sources that only benefit them, this is the real path of destruction, when we create something for only our benefit then we are harming nature and suddenly us because of the change in the environment.
The universe exists on the fact that if you are being selfish then you are only harming yourself, for example - not giving a chance to everyone and only answering by yourself can have various negative effects on you, that the people who are not getting a chance may target and unfriend you, also spreading awareness in the school about your mistake and suddenly harming your sociability, friendliness, fame and mental stability. In the same way, humans accidentally or purposely, destroy nature and then even themselves. 

Image result for full plate of foodWe all need to understand that nature is the only reason why we are living, breathing, existing and surviving. Increasing our options is the only way to increase the amount of destruction. For example - In functions, we have so many options in food that we eventually put more food than required, leading to the unconscious wasting of resources.

                                                                                                                         With this understanding, I can say that this destruction starts from an idea for benefit, with the desire for success and money . This idea eventually turns out to be in physical reality and revolutionizes the world for a benefit, but this advantage is our biggest disadvantage as it later on gets upgraded too frickin much that it starts harming us first and then nature itself or nature directly. For example - Car, the first car was something that was made without any pollution or diesel car system. It was a great achievement for Karl Benz in 1886, though the first modern car was put in the market on 1908 by Ford motor company. We upgraded this car by changing the engine,then the wheels, then the look, then the features, then the feel and satisfaction, and then eventually leading us to a changed air purification system in the car because of the modest of engines, eventually leading to global warming.
Don't worry, revolutions can have both positive and negative effects on nature. Though the revolution of the phone started from harming humans by gaming and then eventually lead up to harm nature by radioactive waves and frequencies which harm the ecological system of animals and then the nature because environment depends on animals for their growth too, we can still say that revolution can be a good idea by humans that lead up to a very unharmful change in nature. For example - the establishment of the UN ended up many nuclear attacks, bombings, nuclear wars, terrorism and a stop to atomic bombs etc. If the UN wouldn't have been created, then we would be going through the 7th world war right now. Though the UN is helping nature, there are also some few exceptions that tell us that it is harming nature by saving humanity. State the policies by the UN that led to preservation in humans but destruction in nature via the comment box below.    

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