Millions of teenagers in high       schools nationwide are using a smartphone app to anonymously share their deepest anxieties, secret crushes, vulgar assessments of their classmates and even violent threats, all without adults being able to look in.
The After School app has exploded in popularity this school year and is now on more than 22,300 high school campuses, according to its creators. Because it is designed to be accessible only to teenagers, many parents and administrators have not known anything about it.
“At first it was people saying nice things and complimenting others, and then it turned into bullying,” said Mya Bianchi, a 15-year-old who attends Ionia High School in central Michigan. Mya said a user posted her phone number along with instructions to contact her for photos, a message that was punctuated by a winking smiley face and icons of a camera and a bikini. After receiving harassing messages, she had to change her number.
Her mother, Carrie Bunting, said Mya was “freaked out” to be getting messages from unknown numbers. It also irked Ms Bunting.
My personal opinion to this app: Anything and everything that has been created for the profit of oneself or others can be harmful. For example, phones came for the purpose of developing communication with anyone worldwide but now they serve as a source of negative entertainment such as gaming which is effecting our young minds. Keeping this in consideration, schools, colleges etc should keep a check policy of what is happening behind the curtains and punish, teach and suppress those who go against life sensitization on this app, of course, parents should also be secretly allowed to see what their children are doing.       

Lily Allen gives up Twitter account after she is taunted over stillbirth of her son.

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Lily Allen
Singer Lily Allen has suffered a wave of vitriol from trolls about the stillbirth of her child, prompting her to announce she will take a break from Twiiter.
In a candid tweet, the celebrity said she had suffered post-traumatic stress following the death of her son in 2010.
She was met with dozens of abusive messages, with users blaming the singer for the death, which she said happened after the umbilical cord became wrapped around her child's neck.
In a series of tweets, the celebrity replaced the words "immigrants" and "Muslims", with "pensioners" in an attempt to highlight the absurdity of anti-immigrant and Islamophobic sentiment.She was targeted while trying to highlight prejudice against immigrants and Muslims.
She remarked: "Can't even get an appt at the doctors because pensioners just skip the queue, and claim all benefits. It has to stop."
My personal opinion: Life sensitiveness is very important as to win, live and survive in this world. People should understand the other persons feelings too as said by me on my post of cyber bullying in schools/colleges. Bullying someone on the basis of relations is as a very big crime. That's why you shouldn't join social media because the people there don't care who you are or what you feel. Taking breaks from it just as Lily Allen as a great option to open your mind in other purposes of life. Comment down below to present your thoughts about social media.Image result for comment below