DPS Sector - 84

13 Facts about The Increasing Cyber Threats Of Today

1. 95% of breached records came from only three industries in 2016

Government, retail, and technology. The reason isn’t necessarily because those industries are less diligent in their protection of customer records. They’re just very popular targets because of the high level of personal identifying information contained in their records.

2. There is a hacker attack every 39 seconds

Image result for hackerA Clark School study at the University of Maryland is one of the first to quantify the near-constant rate of hacker attacks of computers with Internet access— every 39 seconds on average, affecting one in three Americans every year —and the non-secure usernames and passwords we use that give attackers more chance of success.

3. 43% of cyber attacks target small business

64% of companies have experienced web-based attacks.  62% experienced phishing & social engineering attacks. 59% of companies experienced malicious code and botnets and 51% experienced denial of service attacks.

4. The average cost of a data breach in 2020 will exceed $150 million

As more business infrastructure gets connected, Juniper Research data suggests that cybercrime will cost businesses over $2 trillion total in 2019.

5. Since 2013 there are 3,809,448 records stolen from breaches every day

158,727 per hour, 2,645 per minute and 44 every second of every day reports Cybersecurity Ventures.

6. Over 75% of healthcare industry has been infected with malware over last year

The study examined 700 healthcare organizations including medical treatment facilities, health insurance agencies and healthcare manufacturing companies.

7. Approximately $6 trillion is expected to be spent globally on cybersecurity by 2021

Organizations need to make a fundamental change in their approach to cybersecurity and reprioritize budgets to align with this newly defined reality of our modern society.

8. Unfilled cybersecurity jobs worldwide will reach 3.5 million by 2021

More than 300,000 cybersecurity jobs in the U.S. are unfilled, and postings are up 74% over the past five years.

9. By 2020 there will be roughly 200 billion connected devices

Image result for connected devicesThe risk is real with IoT and its growing. According to figures compiled within a recent Symantec Internet Security Threat Report, there are 25 connected devices per 100 inhabitants in the US.

10. 95% of cybersecurity breaches are due to human error

Cyber-criminals and hackers will infiltrate your company through your weakest link, which is almost never in the IT department.

11. Only 38% of global organizations claim they are prepared to handle a sophisticated cyber attack

Image result for handle thingsWhat’s worse? An estimated 54 percent of companies say they have experienced one or more attacks in the last 12 months.

13. Total cost for cybercrime committed globally has added up to over $1 trillion dollars in 2018

Don’t think that all that money comes from hackers targeting corporations, banks or wealthy celebrities. Individual users like you and me are also targets. As long as you’re connected to the Internet, you can become a victim of cyber attacks.

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