DPS Sector - 84

Technology Is Acting As Our Mate In Destruction Of Nature And Us Nowadays Since It Has Been Started For Serving Humanity

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All of us know that technology was once started for the purpose of serving humanity, but now it has become the cause of disease, depression, suicides, destruction and distraction etc. For example - the first mode of communication (phone) was implemented for the purpose of talking from far places without any physical contact, but now phones have become smart, they have games(distraction), social media(depression), Cyber bullying(suicides), evil websites(destruction) and overusage of all this is happening (disease).


Divided attention

There are lots and lots of things technology has got the human mind occupied with — the social platforms, the software and apps, and so on.
As a result of these distractions, a research by Microsoft showed that the human focus is rapidly dropping — from 12 secs in the year 2000, it’s presently 8 seconds which is even shorter than a goldfish’s 9 seconds.
Though technology has made things a lot easier, our time seems to be limited with every upgrade in technology. As a result, we see multitasking as the only way out and this, in turn, retards our focus.


Image result for destroying sense organs because of technology

Take a second to imagine what the sharp light rays emitted by your mobile in the dark does to your eye. Or better still, imagine how much excessive use of Siri, Cortana, etc, is weakening your memory capacity.
Before, you could easily memorize long mobile numbers, addresses, appointments, etc. Presently, however, mobile apps have taken away the need for your brain to work so hard thereby leaving your brain dormant.
A series of scientific research has clearly shown how tech gadgets are massively depriving humanity of sleep, destroying the human vision, and retarding the brain functionality.
Idleness and laziness
Presently, as a result of technology, some people have become “couch potatoes.” This is simply because working, shopping, communication, socialization, and whatnot, can all be done over the internet.
However, have you ever imagined what staying at a particular spot for a long time with little or no form of activeness really does to the body?
physiological study at Tel Aviv University, published in the American Journal of physiology stated leading such a sedentary lifestyle causes accumulation of more fat cells and also increases the chances of obesity.


Image result for impatienceEvery tech improvement seems to be concerned chiefly with speed — from the 2G, 3G to the 4G and still progressing; we all love speed.
As a result of this, humans tend to apply speed to every other aspect of living. The latest internet and business statistics show that 40% of people will abandon a site that fails to load under 3secs.
Speed is necessary to accomplish many tasks. However is speed necessary to perfect those tasks?
Lots of accidents occur on a daily basis, lots of tasks are accomplished poorly, and lots of individuals give up on tasks after calculating the time it’d take to accomplish. Where’s the patience?
Speed is very important. However excessive haste makes waste.
1)Increase in Travel: This point might seem awkward but, it is true that we travel a lot nowadays than in the past. Previously people used to travel very little due to the lack of automobiles. But due to enhanced technology and speed in automobiles, we travel more and also unnecessarily sometimes. By this, we contribute to air pollution directly. We go on tours around the world and even on long drives. This is was done even previously when the technology was low. But then the chances of pollution was meager. We relied on horses, camels, and bulls for travel by road. By seas, we relied on large boats and vessels. These methods of travel are time-consuming but are less polluting. But current technology is so advanced that we travel from one part of the world to another in a short time. This is great but has a greater risk for human life and the environment.
The pollution generated from these travels is huge. It is in the form of air, water, and even noise pollution types. These pollutions pose health hazards.

Also, there is a lack of physical exercise and we develop sedentary habits.
2) Excess power consumption: Power consumption is high due to technology. We use technology in education, the workplace, at home and even in remote places. We are addicted to television, smartphones and other gadgets. So we always need electric energy to make them work non-stop. This electric energy is generated by the use of fossil or nuclear fuels on a large scale. The previous man did not need electricity throughout the day. He needed it for night lighting. Now he needs it 24 hours and in all the seasons to keep his gadgets running.
3) We generate more waste: We contribute a large amount of toxic waste in the name of technological up-gradation. Previously people used large-sized computers. For this, we needed large monitors, CPUs, separate keyboards, mouse, etc. Now we tend to use laptops and tablets for their compactness and portability. They do not have separate parts like monitors, keyboards, etc. So in upgrading to laptops, all the large size desktop computers were disposed into the environment. Similarly, tungsten bulbs were replaced by fluorescent bulbs which are again being replaced by incandescent bulbs.

These are highly toxic due to the presence of heavy metals like mercury, lead in them. This can cause a serious life-threatening health issue. Though older technology is inevitable for the development of new technology, we generate much technological waste which is harmful to the environment.
4) Excess use of gadgets: Now a day we can see many people on the roads, trains and even parks busy on their mobiles or tablets. This is more of an addiction to gadgets and the apps inside.
This leads to the need for WiFi and other wireless connectivity. Due to these wireless technology, radiation exposure is high leading to silent health problems. Even it is believed that some birds also get extinct in the region of these wifi enabled areas.

5) Excess Deforestation: In the name of development, comfort, etc. there is widespread deforestation. This is possible due to the larger capacity of machinery technology. We can make a wide clearing of greenery in a very short span and also dig tunnels through the hills and mountains.

Also, this increase in technology makes it easier to build many houses and resorts. Though it seems enjoyable to humans. It is definitely affecting nature. Hence we can see the rapid extinction of many species of plants, birds, and animals due to widespread deforestation. This is detrimental to the normal environment and climate around. Those countries with a good percentage of forest area are having a friendly environment.

We, as humans need to understand that if we are doing something to benefit humanity or even us then we should think about it like 10 times keeping in consideration if it is going to harm nature or have any effects on humans. If you understand this then you will able to invent something as a bulb that Thomas Edison once implemented. But my belief is that there is nothing as important as nature, god or the universe, they are the ones through which we are living, they are our real parents. Serving them becomes important. Comment down below for which path you will choose- humanity or nature.

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