DPS Sector - 84

Solutions To Cyber Bullying

Solutions To Cyber Bullying
  • Do not reply to the bullying or bully them back. This can make the situation worse.Image result for no response


  • Take a screenshot of the cyberbullying and keep a record. It is important to have this kind of evidence if you report the bullying.Image result for social media screenshot

                                                                                             3.BLOCK AND REPORT.

  • It is always important to report it to so that the website can remove the post.Image result for report and block
  • Most websites have this function – if you need help with this, you can ask us to help you.                                                                                                                         
  • Cyberbullying can cause you to feel sad, stressed, and angry among other negative emotions.
  • Talking to somebody about the cyberbullying will make you feel better.Image result for talking
  • It is important to decide how serious the cyberbullying is. If its something like being called names, then it is easy to block them. If they are threatening to hurt you and family or friends, then it may be time to take serious action.
  • If you’re not sure, ask someone you trust like a teacher of learning mentor. You can also ask us to help you if you are not sure.Image result for thinking
  • If somebody is threatening you, or making you scared for your safety, then you need to contact the Police or an adult as soon as you can. You can ask us for advice if you are not sure what to do or how to report it.Image result for report
  • It is important to keep your social media profiles as private as possible. So if somebody online is not your friend, then it is important to make sure they cannot see most of your profile. You can ask us for advice if you are not sure how to do this.Image result for PRIVACY
  1.                                                                                                                                                                                                      8. Talk to them 
if you know the person who is cyberbullying you and you want to speak to them, this can help to stop the cyberbullying. It is very important that a responsible adult is there when you meet them so that you are safe, preferably somebody who knows the full story.Image result for talking to a bully
  • Please remember that people who are happy do not bully others.
  • People who are bullying others may be going through a bad time in their lives, so it is important to help this person. It might not be you that helps; they might need help from a teacher or their parents.Image result for sympathise

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