DPS Sector - 84

Cyber bullying in schools and colleges


Cyber bullying is harnessing someone over the internet via social media,g-mail, messages, internet etc for gaining respect, reputation, power, money, commercial benefits and much more. The problem is that this crime is making a person fall into the state of depression, mental illness, inferiority, escapism, isolation and suicidal behaviors. The reason for bullying someone on the internet can also be for the reason of attracting attention by showing people a sense of humor in the other persons life.
People think that they are being funny but the real thing is that they are only going against the policy of being life sensitivity. Other reason why cyber bullying happens is because of the feeling of revenge in the other persons mind, this feeling for revenge cannot be prevented but only cured by the person who the individual is angry with. MAKING THE PERSON UNDERSTAND OF HIS MISTAKE IN A PEACEFUL MANNER  IS THE ONLY WAY TO STOP CYBER BULLYING WITH EACH OTHER.

Image result for cyber bullying in schoolCyber bullying in children happens because of the same reasons as mentioned in the first paragraph and for the same benefits other than financial of course. This is one of the main reasons why children in schools lose their purpose and passion for life. Cyber bullies should understand how others also feel. Doing cyber bullying to a targeted person is the main reason why suicide cases are increasing nowadays in the case of children. A student can fall in the state as mentioned in the first paragraph and who knows that he may get so angry with the bully that he will start a bullying business of his own (main reason for increase in bullies). Cyber Bullying in schools/colleges effect a student stupendously because of harassment in front of a great amount of people. Every student laughing at you and humiliating you is enormously hurting your feelings, emotions and beliefs.

  • A survey says about one in five students reported being bullied, ranging from rumors or being excluded to threats and physical attacks in the 2016-17 school year. That's unchanged from the previous survey, done in 2014-15.
    • About 37% of young people between the ages of 12 and 17 have been bullied online. 30% have had it happen more than once.
    • 95% of teens in the U.S. are online, and the vast majority access the internet on their mobile device, making it the most common medium for cyber bullying.
    • 23% of students reported that they’ve said or done something mean or cruel to another person online. 27% reported that they’ve experienced the same from someone else.
    • Instagram is the social media site where most young people report experiencing cyberbullying, with 42% of those surveyed experiencing harassment on the platform.
    • Young people who experience cyberbullying are at a greater risk than those who don’t for both self-harm and suicidal behaviors.

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