DPS Sector - 84

Blue Whale Game Full Start To End Explained

This psychopathic game started in Russia four years ago on a social networking site called VKontakte. It has already claimed over 130 lives in Russia. It allegedly led to its first suicide in 2015. Philipp Budeikin, a psychology student claimed that he invented the game. Budeikin, who was thrown out of his university, said he was attempting to weed out the society by encouraging those who have no value to take their lives. Other reports claim that the mastermind behind the game, a postman called Ilya Sidorov, 26, was arrested in Moscow, Russia. He used to encourage teenagers to hurt themselves and eventually commit suicide.

After signing up, the youngster is assigned daily tasks for the next 50 days.On the last (50th day), the game admin ask the youngster to commit suicide. Those who want to back out on the last day are threatened that their family members will be hurt if they don’t abide by the game rules. There is no exit.

It seems that the deadly game that originated in Russia has taken the life of a 14-year-old boy in Andheri East, Mumbai. Manpreet Singh, who jumped off the terrace of a seven-storey building on Saturday, could be the first victim of the network.
Some media reports say that participants are required to send photos to a “curator” or a “whale” proving they did the tasks. The “whale” is often an older person who is manipulating them and does not do the tasks themselves.
  • Carve a specific phrase on the person’s own hand or arm.
  • Wake up at 4:20 a.m. and watch a scary video (sent by the curator.)
  • Make lengthwise cuts on the person’s own arm.
  • Draw a whale on a piece of paper
  • Write “yes” on the person’s own leg if ready to be a whale. Otherwise, they should cut themselves multiple times.
  • Secret task 
  • Scratch (a message) on the person’s own arm.
  • Write a status online about being a whale.
  • Overcome a fear.
  • Get up at 4:20 and go to the roof.
  • Carve a whale on the person’s own hand.
  • Watch scary videos all day.
  • Listen to music the “curator” sends.
  • Cut your lip.
  • Poke the person’s own arm/hand with a needle.
  • Make yourself hurt or sick.
  • Go to a roof and stand on the edge.
  • Stand on a bridge.
  • Climb a crane.
  • At this step, the “curator” somehow checks to see if the participant is trustworthy.
  • Talk with a “whale” on Skype.
  • Sit down on a roof with legs dangling over the edge.
  • Another job that is in code.
  • A secret mission
  • Meet with a “whale.”
  • The “curator” assigns a date that the person will die.
  • Visit a railroad.
  • Do not talk with anyone all day.
  • Give an oath/vow about being a whale
After these steps, steps 30-49 involve watching horror movies and listening to music that the curator picks, talking to a whale, and making cuts. The last task is jumping off a building.
Image result for blue whale creatorA court sentenced the 22-year-old Russian creator of the Blue Whale game Philipp Budeikin to three years in jail for inciting Russian youths to kill themselves.
The 22-year-old confessed that he convinced about 16 young girls to end their lives saying that he thinks that his victims were just ‘biological waste’ and told police that they were 'happy to die' and that he was ‘cleansing society’. Present your views about how this game effected our young minds and made them lose their life.


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